Many games are defined by their style, either the gameplay or the art work. There are shooters, role playing…
For a few years Ratalaika Games has been publishing games from small Indie game developers. They have run the…
Over that last few years I can not think of a single AAA title that was released 100% complete or…
There are some games that I distinctly remember playing years ago, and other titles I am only reminded of when…
I have said it before and I will probably end up saying it again, once was old is new…
If one game is good, then two must be better. That unfortunately isn’t always the case. Sometimes when you…
Most of the time you know what you are getting into when you start a game. The title or the…
Everyone plays games differently. Some people like to just rush through the fights and slaughter everything. Others take their time…
One of the things that is great about playing games is that you can be almost anyone, anywhere, at…
One of the great things about gaming is that you can create any story that you want. You are not…