I recently hit my 46th birthday and I have to admit, I still laugh at fart jokes. Yep, inside this fairly responsible adult resides the sense of humor of a 13 year old boy. Sometimes You has released a new game that taps into this part of my brain. Sigi : A Fart for Melusina is a platformer that doesn’t take itself too seriously.

You play as Sigi, an honorable knight with slight gastrointestinal distress. As he is adventuring he sees the woman of his dreams, but unfortunately farts near her and scares her away. He must pursue her across the land and try to win her heart. You will have to battle through 19 levels filled with peril to prove your love and rescue the woman you hardly know.

Sigi is a platformer, pure and simple. You will rush through each level battling enemies, avoiding obstacles, collecting rare objects and searching for hidden objects. You gather coins to earn extra lives to help you through your quest. If you collect all the coins and the letters of Sigis name in each level, you will have more than enough extra lives to get through multiple game runs. After you work your way through 4 levels of normal enemies you will have to face off against a boss. The title is built for speed runners. There is even an achievement for completing the game 100% in under 30 minutes.

The game features 8 bit pixel art. You will feel like you are playing a game from the ‘80s. Gameplay is super smooth and will remind you of games like Ghosts and Goblins. The enemies are nicely varied and well rendered. Each boss is very distinct and has a different attack pattern. The chip tune soundtrack helps complete the trip down memory lane.

Sigi – A Fart for Melusina is out now on XB1, PS4, Steam and Nintendo Switch. If you are looking for a fun game that will help test and build your skills as a speed runner, this title is for you. The small price tag makes it well worth checking out.