There have been a couple of games that have come out recently dealing with the subject of cults. This once taboo subject has slipped into the mainstream media as of late, so it was only a matter of time before they were turned into games. Sagebrush from Ratalaika Games takes you on a disturbing trip through the last few days of the Perfect Heaven commune.

You are playing as a young woman who was a member of the cult up until the they ended it all in a mass suicide. It is up to you to explore the long-deserted compound and discover exactly what caused the group to travel down this deadly path in their last few days. Search the grounds and buildings for the clues you need, and the tools required to enter each building.

The game is set up as a visual novel, but it does not require you to follow a set path. Once you start, you will be free to wander about, but many locations are blocked by gates and locks. You must find the keys needed to open each before you are allowed to proceed. The story is linear, but you are permitted to get there in your own time. But if you explore everything well, you can see the path that is set out in front of you.

Now this game is not the prettiest to look at. Flat textures, simple lighting effects, and mundane building designs do not make this game stand out much. What is really intriguing about the game is the sound design. Throughout the store you will find cassette players with an audio log about specific events of the compound. The voice acting is very compelling, and you can hear the character start to wonder if she is doing the right thing. She transforms from naïve college graduate to member of the cult, to someone who can hardly believe she is a part of this world.

Sagebrush has been available on PC for a while, but it has recently jumped to consoles. Even though a straight play through will take you less than an hour, it is worth it. It provides a riveting story that you will not soon forget. The price of around $5 is also very accessible. Despite a few little glitches here and there, and the flat graphics, this is a game that you should spend a little time with.