Game titles run the gambit of straight forward to totally obscure. When the title strays away from the genre or characters you really need to get hands on with the game to figure things out. Hellfront : Honeymoon is one of those games you have to play to understand the name.

The title is the embodiment of twin stick shooter mayhem, with action strategy elements built in. Not only must your character destroy all enemy forces and their structures, but you must also build your own reinforcements. You can either build barracks that will churn out troops to command or simply build large turrets to take out any foe that comes close to it.

You can play the campaign solo or have a friend join you for the carnage in local co-op. Missions increase in difficulty as you play across multiple planets and environments, so adding a 2nd player helps too balance this out. You will have to figure out if it is better to rush the enemy or hang back while you build up your forces for an overwhelming attack. Just remember that while you are preparing, so is your enemy. If you are looking for even more competition, you can play with up to 3 friends in PvPvPvP madness. All players appear on 1 screen, so you don’t have to worry about what they are doing out of your sight.

Graphics are pretty good. There is a wide variety of environments to play on and they are rendered well. Maps are hex based, and it is easy to see which areas are destructible, where you can build, and what is going to be impenetrable to forces. There is also a variety of color palettes used. Maps range from bright deserts and jungles to dark forbidding planetscapes. The music suits the wild action on screen but will probably get drowned out by the trash talking with your friends.

No matter if you are looking for a game to play solo, co-op, or against several friends, this is a fun title. Just fire up the game, connect your controllers and wait for the bullets to fly. Hellfront : Honeymoon is out now on XB1, PS4, Nintendo Switch and Steam.